Memories and tides are cruel; only leave scars behind.
Director's Statement
Seawash is a video about memory. Memory never shows us what we really want to see. It mutates with time, continually offering us different and likely distorted images. Memories haunt us but also desert us, fading out, leaving behind only the scar. But in their ambiguity, memories may also be sensual and beautiful as well as cruel. Accordingly, Seawash illustrates both absence and reconstruction. This film was my attempt to grasp memory—not memory in general, but my personal memories of different times and spaces, and my own longing for past sensations.
Seawash was also my first attempt to construct a dominant state of mind that permeates the film’s entire structure. Although not a narrative in the conventional sense, the video takes the viewer on an experiential journey that becomes a “whole” in the contrast—or perhaps the orchestrations—between its visual and aural elements. I will share here an insightful observation about Seawash made by Juan Pablo Quintero, Professor of Mass Communication and Literature at Universidad de Piura in Peru: “Waves have a tragic purpose: upon completing their journey, they are extinguished without rejoicing.”
Microwave International New Media Arts Festival. Latinamerican Selection. Hong Kong, 2002
13th Videobrasil International Festival. Brazil, 2001
5th Pirelli’s Young Artist’s Exhibition. Contemporary Art Museum of Caracas. Venezuela, 2001
Other Events and Exhibitions:
Museo de Arte de Coro (Coro's City Art Museum). Video Art Exhibition. Venezuela, 2006
Associação Cultural Videobrasil. Exhibition “Video como Ferramenta” (Video as a Tool)Program 1: Realidade/Subjetividade (Reality/Subjectivity) Brazil, 2003
Invited Artist. Video Zone, Israel International Video-Art Biennial. Center for Contemporary Art. Israel, 2002
Contemporary Art Museum of Caracas. Permanent Video-Art Collection/Exhibition since 2002. Venezuela 2002
Contemporary Art Museum of Caracas. Collective Video-Art Show: “Del cubo a la caja negra.” (From the Cube to the Black Box) Venezuela, 2002
Associação Cultural Videobrasil. Exhibition “O Vídeo Como Resgate de Uma Identidade” (Video to the rescuing of identity.) Brazil, 2001